Sharing Resources

It’s been a while! Admittedly, since I began my FoodCorps term in September, I have really neglected this blog (a.k.a. completely stopped posting).  But rest assured, I have been working hard to fully immerse myself and teach others about food and food justice issues.  Primarily, I have been teaching elementary school aged children about how food grows and helping them form a positive relationship with food and the food system.  I think this is a major key to changing the future of our food systems!  And it has been VERY rewarding.

I am so pleased to come back to this blog after months and see that there are still regular views! Although I may not have a lot of time to continually write posts, I want to share the resources.  I come across so many good ones daily, and will do better to simply post them here as a way to create a running feed of interesting videos and articles on food justice.

Here is one particularly good TedX I watched today.  It is so humbling to think of how different our society would be today if every emancipated family had been given 40 acres and a mule, like Abraham Lincoln promised.  Listen to Amin Steel’s deeper vision.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday filled with nourishing food, and considers how and where it was produced, with deep appreciation.


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